Medical Proof of
Cellular Level Healing®
Here are thermogram
scans from one of Alice McCall’s clients. Thermograms are a healthy
alternative to a mammogram; to learn more about using thermograph
for early detection
order your copy of Wellness Wisdom.
On September 2008, a
hot spot in the upper left side of her back was apparent. This is
an indicator of a potential health issue or disease, such as cancer.
On March 2009, the
client returned for another thermogram, and the hot spot was
entirely gone! The green color indicates health - no heat
or inflammation present!
What did she do? All
she did between September and March was have two sessions
with Alice McCall! In these two sessions they worked at the
cellular level to transform the root cause - the emotional, mental,
and physical issues related to the discovered hot spot.
For more proof of what
Cellular Level Healing® can do,
order your copy of Wellness Wisdom. It includes medical
records of clients with Multiple Sclerosis and Stage 3 Lymphoma –
both are considered incurable diseases but the proof is in the